- US
- Hawaii
- Koko Head State Park - climb Koko Head ( http://www.yelp.com/biz/koko-head-state-park-honolulu) - got the inspiration from a forum I'm on
- California
- Four Corners
- Florida
NYC - I've lived in NY all my life and never been to the city- Eurpope
Spain- Italy
NaplesRome (April 15, 2012)- Venice
- Milan
- Montagnana
- Tuscany
- England
- Buckingham Palace - changing of the guard (ST)
- "Eye" giant Ferris wheel (ST)
- Trafalgar Square (ST)
- Stonehenge (ST)
- Ride a double decker bus (ST)
- Ferry ride on the Thames (ST)
- Chunnel from France (ST)
- Germany
- France
- Disneyland (ST)
- Ireland
- Scotland
I need more ideas on places to visit, especially in Italy!
Initials next to the idea indicates who it came from :)
Initials next to the idea indicates who it came from :)