Yesterday (our trash pickup day) as I was leaving for work around 730, I was 99% sure I saw my address sticker labels on a trash can (they are just number/letter stickers that spell have the address, ex 123A). When I get to work I call housing to cancel the order for the replacement garbage bin. They say they can't cancel it but will pick it up and reimburse me if it turns out to be mine.
I get home from work (1230) and confirm that it is mine. I took 2 photos of it in their driveway full of garbage just in case I needed proof at some point (this was my husband's idea). He also told me I should just dump it out on their lawn, and yes they deserve that, but I'm not going to do something like that. I'd rather handle it the civil way. Since I have confirmed that it is mine, I call the MP's back and they sent 2 investigators out. They see for themselves that she has it. They have a conversation with her and found HER actual trash bin. They told her to leave it out after they picked up the trash. This was probably around 1500 or so.
Around 1700, I went to leave for AWANA. I noticed housing had brought me a new trash can (expected) and I noticed mine was still not there or in her driveway. I tried not to let myself get too angry at this point because I wanted to be positive for the kids at AWANA and just kinda be in the right mindset.
Around 1930, I get home from AWANA and nothing had changed. I had the trash bin from housing (didn't expect this to change, unless someone stole that one, which they didn't) and not the one that is MINE. I WAS PISSED. I wanted to go to her house and yell at her and crap but I didn't. I did the responsible thing and called the MPs again. 2 officers came out and basically said there was nothing they could do tonight because it wasn't their case. I was like WTF! The officer said she couldn't just go over there and accuse her of having it. I said "Can't you just go over there and ASK if she has it?" But no, they couldn't. I have to call the investigator back tomorrow (which is today).
I was being livid at this point. I was frustrated. I did something I shouldn't have. I texted my husband. This doesn't seem bad until you know that he's deployed and was sleeping. Well he hadn't been sleeping because he had been having trouble falling asleep, but as far as I knew, he was sleeping. Yep, I am a bad wife, and I should've been smacked for this one. Yeah, I feel horrible for texting him at a time when he's typically asleep. He tried to calm me down...
Eventually, I just started doing other things and then went to bed. Which brings me to
This morning around 800, housing called me (I had called back yesterday afternoon and left a message). She offered to give me a gift card for going through all this crap. I was told to file a police report by them and then I wouldn't have to pay... well the person that told me that was wrong. That's what they used to do. She actually seemed to care that I went through all that crap, when really I didn't have to. I mean I'd be out the money but I wouldn't have bothered with the mp's or anything like that. So that made me feel a little better... not much though because I still went through this BS and I was still missing my trash bin and still out $85.
I called the investigator when I got home from work (around 1230) but he was at lunch so I left a message. He had called when I was on the phone with Mike so I called him back after that. I explained that the lady didn't leave the trash bin out like she was told to. He said to call housing because it was a housing issue. Typically, I would just be "ok....", but I stood up for myself and said...
I did call housing and I really don't think I should have to pay the 85 bucks to have it replaced, since you guys came out, saw that she had it (filled with garbage), told me to wait til they picked up the garbage to get it (which is understandable), and then when I went out to get it, it was gone.
The investigator asked me who I talked to in housing and I gave him her name and he called her ... and they said they were going to take care of it and he explained the situation (that he saw it at her house and told her to leave it out and she didn't), so apparently I will get my money back. I guess housing is going to come out and try to find it. I did not see it outside and I'm obviously not going to go in people's garages or anything to try to find it.
I just really hope this is resolved soon because I will go insane if it's not.
For the first time, I actually feel like these people are helpful and care about all this crap I went through... hopefully it works out..., it's just a really frickin stupid situation and that's what's so damn frustrating about it.