
(638) I am thankful for...

I got inspired to write this from this blog. It's so easy to take things for granted. As I wrote this over the course of November, it was nice to look back when I wasn't feeling too great and helped me feel better.
  1. a steady guaranteed paycheck (Army)
  2. a decent apartment to live in
  3. being able to work part-time
  4. my cats and the way they make me feel not alone
  5. being able to pay off our credit cards this year
  6. being able to pay off our car loan
  7. having a car that runs well
  8. always having food in the house 
  9. my wii-fit for when I'm too lazy to drive to the gym
  10. being able to graduate college (2 years ago)
  11. the ability to actually find a job in my field here 
  12. having clean water to drink
  13. having clothes that are in decent shape 
  14. my phone, it's basically my life line to my hubby 
  15. being able to always come back to God even when I slip away
  16. my husband 
  17. my father who has always been there for me
  18. being able to talk to my husband pretty much everyday
  19. the ability to workout 
  20. zumba
  21. being able to see and hear normally (even if it means wearing glasses)
  22. the time I had with my mom before she died and that she taught me how to bake
  23. having free health care (through the Army)
  24. being able to worship how I choose to without fear
  25. the deployment being almost over (2-3 more months)
  26. my sisters and their kids
  27. having a geeky husband
  28. being able to drive
  29. emails and text messages from Mike
  30. free medication (through the Army)
What are some things you are thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it's hard to find something to be thankful for when we are going through things. But we forget the little things.
    Love your list, I giggled at Zumba, lol. I hear people talking about it, but I have never done it.
